Getting FlowBoost usage stats with FBSelf.usage

Getting FlowBoost usage stats with FBSelf.usage

Exciting news! We just released the FBSelf.usage object to public beta. You can use it starting from the 2023-04-04 release of ($next/run).

FBSelf.usage is available in any FlowBoost webhook, but you probably want a  separate webhook just to check usage. Run that ’hook once per day via a dummy/resource lead, then Send Alert if you’re running low. (You can also run it ad hoc from Postman, of course.)

The object returns a few pieces of info, which should be self-explanatory:

usage = FBSelf.usage;
Webhook payload
  "usage": {
    "planId": "ien4b6",
    "planName": "FlowBoost Standard",
    "yesterday": 26,
    "today": 2,
    "remainingThisMonth": 885,
    "thisMonth": {
      "monthStart": "2023-04-01",
      "byDay": [33,54,26,2]
Sample response

Usage is updated “lazily” to preserve performance, so the call count may be up to 20 minutes behind.

You don't need to upgrade all your hooks to flowboost$next and probably don't want to — just the one usage hook needs to be on flowboost$next. Others can stay on flowboost$current.

We typically push $next to $current on the first of every month, so this feature will be GA on May 1st.