Let Todd @ Sponge show how to sync fields across Marketo duplicates (using FlowBoost)

Once again, my friend Todd Sprinkel from Sponge.io has taken on the FlowBoost documentation I’m too busy/lazy to get to. Here he shows a FlowBoost ’hook to

Determining if a Data Value Change is a “real” change, in a few different languages

We all love a Unicode base character collator, don’t we?

How an “unintrusive” 3rd-party tracking script caused duplicate Marketo form posts

The sheer audacity of 3rd-party form trackers (conversion pixels, enrichment services, attribution libraries) is amazing. “Don’t worry about telling IT,” they’ll say. “It has zero side effects, just

I’ll be at Adobe Summit 2025

NBD but I will be prowling around if you want to say hello.

SFDC Campaign Members can still sync to Marketo, even if the related Contact/Lead no longer syncs

This wouldn’t surprise a senior SFDC admin, but it’s not widely understood on the Marketo side.

2 flavors of autofill for multivalued fields: Original (semicolons) and Extra Spicy (standards-based)

Easy to fill a field — either visible or hidden — from query params. For multivalued fields like Checkboxes, you’ve got 2 ways to format the params. Both are easy, but only one is correct.☺

Don’t start your LP domain with “ads” (i.e. ads.example.com)!

Some things you only learn at the School of Hard MOps.

The rarely needed (but still important) “offSuccess” un-handler

Forms 2.0 events (onSubmit, onSuccess, onValidate) have a key difference from pure DOM events (<form> submit, <a> click, etc.).