Add-on to “Avoiding the dreaded ‘Invalid Image URL’ error with tokenized assets”

An addendum to the earlier post [] about using tokenized image URLs like{{Lead.Sales Owner Email Address}}-med.

Get all the fields in a Marketo instance, including their Descriptions

Yet another F12 Console hack to perform an export via the Admin UI (an export you can’t get any other way, including the API).

February’s Brainteaser unteased: Here’s why that bit of Velocity code works instead of failing

In the most recent Velociteaser [] I challenged readers to explain why certain Velocity code works instead of — as a datatype mismatch suggests — throwing a fatal

Accurately background-loading the MktoForms2 global object

Background-loading (a.k.a. defer-ing or async-ifying) MktoForms2 makes the non-form parts of your page more resilient in the face of network slowdowns. Here’s how to do it right.

Brainteaser: Why does this line of Velocity code *work*?

Velocity uses under-the-hood magic to reduce (but not eliminate) fatal errors. Figuring out “Why does this work... when it kinda shouldn‘t?“ is vital for mastering the language.

Running Subject Line AB tests with segmented Subjects

Some Marketo features aren’t compatible with Dynamic Content™ (stuff labeled “Dynamic Content” in the UI) but you can use simple Velocity to accomplish the same outcome.

Consolidating Email Link Performance report links using Excel & VBA

Once more into the breach of Excel, my least favorite app... and yet one I can’t quite eliminate from my life.

The definitive guide to setting up copyright year {{my.tokens}} for Emails and LPs

Don’t settle for sloppy: here’s how you set up auto-updating and time-zone-accurate {{my.tokens}} to output the current year.