What happens if you leave the protocol (http:// or https://) off email links completely? It’s complicated

Outlook does the right thing sometimes, while everyone else is wrong. Crazy, I know!

Hitting SMTP rate limits at certain domains? Put leads into fixed-size daily buckets (using FlowBoost)

Dealing with rate limits on the recipient side is easy with FlowBoost + a little bucketing logic. (And no, you can’t do this with Random Sample!)

Verifying the mkt_tok was added to Marketo links

A quick old-school troubleshooting tip.

Embedding a Marketo form on a Framer LP

WYSIWYG LP builders make cool pages out of the box, but trying to add custom code can evoke mixed emotions.

Velocitip: A subtle syntax screwup might not throw a fatal error, but can be a big deal

Velocity tends to be simultaneously strict and forgiving, so you gotta remember that “no explicit, screaming error” doesn’t mean “no error“ in business terms.

Determining if a lead is brand new at form submit time

Here’s that 98% elegant, 2% hacky method to immediately detect Net New leads. Hope you agree it was worth the wait.

Prevent your Unsubscribe form from creating new leads

Out of the box, an Unsubscribe form can inadvertently create new leads. A little JS & CSS fixes this… um, feature?… so you don’t need to live with it anymore.

Intelligently allowing or blocking field updates from form fills (using FlowBoost)

Should form fills update existing values? Sometimes yes, sometimes no, depending on the specific old and new value. Using FlowBoost, you can go beyond the all-or-nothing model of Block Field Updates to intelligently update or skip.