[Solved!] Quiz Time, JavaScript Through the Ages Edition

Todd S. was quick with the correct answer.

Quiz Time, JavaScript Through the Ages Edition

You don’t really know JS until you grok little things like this.

You’ve gotta at least set a utm_source on your Fallback Page

A simple change in Admin » Landing Pages = a big improvement in detecting bad links.

Restoring the mighty mkt_tok

The mkt_tok is dead. Long live the mkt_tok.

Using a mktoImg LP element as a CSS background-image

Guided LP Templates are great, but don’t have 1:1 feature parity with Email Templates. But Since LPs have full HTML5 + JS support, it’s pretty easy to bring them up to speed.

Marketo limits webhooks to 20 concurrent connections

Like the title says... plus a long riff on a workaround.

Why you can’t force a superscript ® in a Subject line (what Unicode can and can’t do)

Subject lines are still, after all these years, plain text. But “plain” doesn’t mean “just A to Z.” You can use the tens of thousands of characters and symbols

Let’s save everybody’s bandwidth: stop tracking clicks, but keep Munchkin activities

Even before recent events, click tracking was flawed-to-useless. Now, it’s taking bandwidth away from those who need it, and bringing down tracking servers as well. Lose-lose-lose!