Auto-submitting a form for Known Visitors
Known Visitor HTML (“If Known Visitor, Show Custom HTML” in Form Editor » Settings) is the obvious answer to a few questions: * “How can I completely ungate an asset — no form →
Known Visitor HTML (“If Known Visitor, Show Custom HTML” in Form Editor » Settings) is the obvious answer to a few questions: * “How can I completely ungate an asset — no form →
> Update 2019-05-30: The code supplied here is superseded by this newer post []. Using the Lead ID from Velocity is trickier than you'd →
Denise G. [] opened a great Community thread [] some months back, and Justin from Perkuto has an authoritative blog →
In October, I gave Part I of my APIs & Integrations talk at the NYC MUG. The deck is embedded here, and you can download it as a ZIP if you want. →
If you've been around the block with Smart Lists, you know there's no Ends With operator, only Starts With and Contains, which makes filtering by email domain hard-to-impossible. Here's how to make it easy. →
The scheduling widget Appointlet has a nifty JS API, so you can use it instead of a (visible) Marketo form and still get a standard Filled Out Form activity and Munchkin hits. →
To switch up the Nancy Sinatra song, Booleans keep truthin’, when they ought to be falsin’. Both true and false Booleans are true once they get to Velocity, and here's another way to to tell them apart. →
It's simple, but you may wonder why it isn't even simpler. →