Accessing the Lead ID from Velocity
The person's Marketo ID (oh-so-useful for building links and such) isn't available in the Velocity field tree, but you can still access it. →
The person's Marketo ID (oh-so-useful for building links and such) isn't available in the Velocity field tree, but you can still access it. →
You've seen before that the Forms 2.0 input mask plugin can be tweaked to do some more elegant stuff. Here are a few more ways to push the envelope. →
Is bad code a teachable moment? I keep thinking it is. Might just be an excuse for another rant, though. →
> This tip is used in this post [] on sending tracked or untracked links based on each lead's “OK to track me” setting. →
This one's good for getting your know-it-all on. Despite it being commonplace to “fix up” email addresses by lowercasing them — or, in financial/government contexts, uppercasing them — email →
Forms 2.0 allows multiple event listeners of the same type, which is great. But if you're not careful, you can accidentally remove *all* your listeners while intending to leave 'em be. →
A Velocity script that copies a field from a Custom Object record to a Marketo Person field. Consider the possibilities. →
JavaScript is indisputably the world's most popular language, if you go by the lines of code generated each day. Pretty sure it's the world leader in →