Accessing the Lead ID from Velocity

The person's Marketo ID (oh-so-useful for building links and such) isn't available in the Velocity field tree, but you can still access it.

More input mask tweaks for Marketo Forms

You've seen before that the Forms 2.0 input mask plugin can be tweaked to do some more elegant stuff. Here are a few more ways to push the envelope.

Just look at how bad this code is

Is bad code a teachable moment? I keep thinking it is. Might just be an excuse for another rant, though.

Velocitip: Convert was-Boolean, now-String → Number, then enjoy $display.message

> This tip is used in this post [] on sending tracked or untracked links based on each lead's “OK to track me” setting.

#wellactually: email addresses *are* case-sensitive, but proceed as if they're not

This one's good for getting your know-it-all on. Despite it being commonplace to “fix up” email addresses by lowercasing them — or, in financial/government contexts, uppercasing them — email

Managing the Forms 2.0 API event stack, and something to look out for

Forms 2.0 allows multiple event listeners of the same type, which is great. But if you're not careful, you can accidentally remove *all* your listeners while intending to leave 'em be.

Presented with minimal comment

A Velocity script that copies a field from a Custom Object record to a Marketo Person field. Consider the possibilities.

Not how it works: on JS-based “form security”

JavaScript is indisputably the world's most popular language, if you go by the lines of code generated each day. Pretty sure it's the world leader in