Exploring polymorphic (HTML & text) tokens in Velocity

An abiding problem with Marketo tokens is that if you're sending multipart emails for widest compatibility, neither a Rich Text {{my.token}} built with the WYSISWYG editor, nor

Adding an “Other” option to Marketo forms without adding db fields

You often see Marketo forms with an “extension” field where a lead can type an explanation for their Other/None of the Above choice: This works well enough from the

Even great software companies don't know how to use SPF

Lots of broken SPF records in the wild. Doesn’t matter how large or “technical” a company seems to be.

Don't use Velocimacros for link output — but #define is fine

Velocimacros are functions that can be declared at the top of a template or context and reused as many times as you need. Really, the term “macro” doesn't

Code Anatomy: Get a real array from an array-like string (a.k.a. “list”)

JavaScript arrays are magic. Really, they are. Array#map… Array#find… Array#some … don't know how I could get anything done without them. Problem is, in the CRM

Introducing Code Anatomy, an ongoing series of posts

Code Anatomy is a new series where you'll see how I build those critical little helper functions that make developing Forms 2.0 and FlowBoost scripts (as well

TYL: Use target="_blank" for multiple assets on the same LP

I keep some Marketo factoids close to the vest (hey, gotta get paid for something!) but if you read the fine print of my Community responses, you'll see

A little Velocity math trick and a note on empty lists

Couple of li'l technotes today in response to reader questions. Note #1: Generating random numbers in VTL First topic came from user PW. He'd been searching