Redirector page, redux

A long way back, you learned that direct links to static assets (like, say, a PDF) won’t be tracked by Munchkin. You should instead have a central Redirector LP that hooks up the Munchkin cookie before flipping to the target asset.

Later, I showed how to instrument Munchkin so an event fires as soon as Visit Web Page has been logged, allowing the fastest response for Munchkin-dependent stuff — like redirecting.

Hadn’t yet wrapped together those 2 concepts, though. So here’s how you should set up the Redirector LP in the modern age (as of late 2024).

First, download the HitEvent JS from my CDN and re-upload it to your Design Studio:

Load that file in the <head> of your Redirector LP:

<!-- Munchkin event enabler -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- /Munchkin event enabler -->

It’s critical that it load before the Munchkin library, which gets automatically injected at the end of the </body>, so the safe way is to put it in <head>.

Then use this JS instead of the original redirector JS:

redirect: {
   const allowedOrigins = [ // which domains are allowed for redirection
   const errNoAsset = "Asset URL not found."; // message when no asset in hash
   const errInvalidAsset = "Asset URL not allowed."; // when asset not our domain
   const redirectMs = 2000;
   let assetURL;
   try {
     assetURL = new URL(decodeURIComponent(document.location.hash.substring(1)));
   } catch(e){
     break redirect;      
     break redirect;
   enableMunchkinHitEvent({ forceAfter: redirectMs, debug: true });
   document.addEventListener("munchkin.visitWebPage", function(e){
     document.location.href = assetURL.href;

The JS is less clunky now as browsers do a lot more stuff natively than they did back in 2017 (!!).