Sure, spaces in an ˂a href˃ or ˂img src˃ make it invalid — but “invalid” doesn’t mean what you think it means!
Retracing how a web standard got rumor-milled into incorrect, anxiety-producing conventional wisdom. →
Retracing how a web standard got rumor-milled into incorrect, anxiety-producing conventional wisdom. →
Non-standard form elements add visual panache. But familiarity, accessibility and (especially) mobility remain concerns, so tread carefully. →
To truly understand encoding, you must know when it’s not needed. (A little Zen on top of Kenny Rogers.) →
About a little CSS trick that’s part of the Forms 2.0 Library. →
Here’s a way to turn off all Custom CSS rules in one fell swoop, with no need for selector overrides or !important. (Now you‘ll know the reason for the post on anonymous ˂style˃ tags!) →
You know 3rd-party libraries inject bare ˂style˃ tags into your ˂head˃, and you‘ve surely hard-coded such tags yourself. But how about when your code needs a reliable reference to one particular “anonymous local stylesheet”? →
Not saying these errors have ever happened in reality, but if your company demands full coverage you’ll want to account for them. →
Need labels for checkboxes to look different from labels for radios and labels for selects? Here’s how that’s done. →